College of Engineering and Mines
William Schnabel
JUB 242
Denise Thorsen
Associate Dean, Academics
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
JUB 140
Miki Smelter
Assistant to the CEM Dean and INE Director
JUB 246
Angie Wohlford
Academic Manager
JUB 254
Derek Miller
Executive Officer
JUB 256
Katelin Avery
Outreach and Engagement Officer
JUB 252
Joe Alloway
Recruiting & Advising Coordinator
JUB 338
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥PO Box 755960Fairbanks, AK 99775-5960
JUB 245907-474-7730Toll Free: 877-474-7390Fax: 907-474-6994